Announcement: Sierra View Homes Applying for CCRC Designation

I am happy to announce that Sierra View Homes Retirement Community has begun the process of applying to convert our multi-level retirement community to a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). A steering committee, as directed by the Strategic Planning Committee and the Sierra View Homes Board of Directors, met with the Continuing Care Contracts Branch of Department of Social Services in Sacramento to discuss this conversion. Lillian Dueck of the Garden Apartments, Joe Halpen of the Terraces, and Bob Mason, Chairman of the Board, were part of this historic meeting. We have contracted with an attorney that specializes in this process and consultants to facilitate the effort that will likely take between three and six months. As progress is being made we will keep you informed.
The reasons to make the conversion are many for both the individual residents and the future of the Sierra View Homes corporation. As you are aware, for the past 50 years Sierra View Homes has grown from its origin of a small one-wing nursing home to a 13-acre campus that provides independent living, assisted living, memory care, skilled nursing, and outpatient services. Certainly the change will make Sierra View a stronger retirement community with additional marketing value and some tax savings. The benefits for the independent residents will include more choice, better access to other service lines as needed, and possible ways to keep monthly fees lower.
It is important to understand that although resident agreements will change and terminology will be slightly different, our basic services and the way we do business will appear to have little change. All residents that are currently living on campus will be given a choice to join the CCRC without any up front costs or they can remain on a month-to-month basis. Future residents will have more choices for discounting their monthly rate if they pay an entry fee. Since specifics will be more clear as we go through the application and approval process, additional explanation will come over time.
The license for our skilled nursing center will remain under the Department of Public Health, and our Assisted Living and Marden’s Place will remain licensed by the Department of Social Services. As we become closer to CCRC approval, each resident will receive an individual letter of explanation. The Board expects that residents will be pleased with the new developments while reinforcing the long-term plans of providing expanded services to our residents. Again, we will keep you abreast of our progress.
Have a great May!
Vito Genna
Executive Director/CEO, Sierra View Homes Retirement Community