Auxiliary Cookbook Second Edition
Sierra View Homes Retirement Community’s Auxiliary was started in 1968 by a group of resident family members and friends of the community who shared a common love for Sierra View and our residents. Ever since, the Auxiliary has organized fundraisers, led classes, manned the store, and pitched in to help make our residents’ lives more enjoyable and meaningful. (We love these people!) One of their most popular fundraisers is the Auxiliary Cookbook, where Sierra View’s staff, friends, and residents share our love of good food. The second edition of the cookbook is now on sale (a bargain at $20). To learn more about the Auxiliary and how you can help support Sierra View’s…
The Art of Aging Gracefully
Ever wonder why some people seem forever youthful, and others seem older than their years? As it turns out, genetics are not the only factor – there are actions you can take and attitudes you can adopt which will help you age gracefully for years to come. As we age it is important to laugh. Laughing aids circulation, it increases respiration, lowers blood pressure, stimulates digestion, and decreases stress. Statistics show that people who have stress have a shorter life span. It is important to find ways to release the stress we feel as we age. Do not get worked up about things you can’t control. Look at what causes your…
- Blog, Garden Apartments, Independent Living, Nursing Care, Rehabilitation, Sierra View Terraces, Skilled Nursing
Stroke: Know the Warning Signs!
“I have met a number of people that have had a stroke. Each one has had different consequences- some severe and some with hardly any visible effects. Are there warning signs and can you discuss the different effects strokes have on individuals?” – G.L. of Reedley The medical terminology for a stroke is a cerebral vascular accident (CVA). A CVA is caused by the blockage of blood flow by a clot or a rupture of an artery in the brain. This can result in sudden death of brain cells due to lack of oxygen. Strokes can create all sorts of disabilities. Depending on where in the brain the stroke happened you…
It’s Official! Sierra View is a CCRC!
It’s official! Sierra View Homes Retirement Community has been licensed by the Department of Social Services as a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). What does that change, you ask? Very little, actually. But now Sierra View is getting recognized by the state for the good work we were already doing. A Continuing Care Retirement Community guarantees to its residents that if they require the services of a higher level of care, such as Skilled Nursing or Assisted Living, they have a guaranteed spot in that higher level of care. That guarantee provides peace of mind to residents and their loved ones that the resident will not have to bounce from…
- Assisted Living, Blog, Garden Apartments, Independent Living, Lifestyle, Marden's Place Memory Care, Nursing Care, Rehabilitation, Residential Care, Sierra View Terraces, Skilled Nursing
Understanding the Durable Power of Attorney
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare and Finances What happens if you should suddenly have a life-threatening emergency? You are unable to talk and unable to tell the medical professionals what your wishes are. The medical personnel have taken an oath to do everything possible to save you. They may give you medical attention you do not want. As you look to the future it is important to put safeguards in place to make sure your wishes are carried out through the rest of your life. There are things you can do at any age to put your wishes in writing and designate someone to follow your decisions in case…
Continuing Care Retirement Communities – Retirement Living, Looking to the Future
Retirement can be an exciting time. It is a time to rediscover the things you enjoy in life. You now have time to branch out and try new things, make new friends, and explore those things you have wanted to learn about. It is time to relax, enjoy life, and become revitalized. Retirement is also the time to look ahead and plan where and how you want to live later in life. One thing to consider is, do you want to live in a retirement community? If you do, what type of community do you want to be in? Retirement communities come in all types, shapes, and sizes. Some offer…
- Assisted Living, Blog, Garden Apartments, Independent Living, Lifestyle, Marden's Place Memory Care, Nursing Care, Rehabilitation, Residential Care, Sierra View Terraces, Skilled Nursing
Macular Degeneration
There is something mystical about sight. Vision is so mechanically complex that we all take our eyesight for granted until something goes wrong. As we age there are numerous ways that our eyesight can be compromised. Many of us are familiar with cataracts and understand what they do to blur vision. Cataracts are one of many possible vision problems as we age. Lately, my attention has been drawn to a number of my friends at Sierra View Homes and family members who have been diagnosed with macular degeneration. I realized I did not know much about the disease and became interested in understanding macular degeneration better. In a healthy eye,…
Train Your Brain
Your brain is like a muscle – don’t use it, you lose it! The following are online resources for training your brain, and some argue that they can increase your intelligence and functional ability in daily tasks: Luminosity – The recognized leader in online brain training, with 40 million registered users. Cognifit – An online brain training program that also offers a downloadable app for iPhone and iPod. Jungle Memory – Brain training designed specifically for children. Cogmed – This offline brain training program claims to help those with traumatic brain injury or ADHD, and has been implemented in hospitals and over 100 U.S. schools. The health of your brain has also been linked…
- Assisted Living, Blog, Garden Apartments, Independent Living, Lifestyle, Marden's Place Memory Care, Residential Care, Sierra View Terraces
Do You Own a Pet?
Pets can be good medicine. Do you own a pet? Pet lovers are quick to tell you about the immediate joys of pet ownership. At Sierra View, we pride ourselves in our lenient pet policy, which has allowed many independent and assisted living residents to bring their furry loved ones with them. As a result, our campus boasts many non-human residents – from small dogs, cats, birds, and fish to a friendly bunny who hops down the Sierra View hallways on a leash! One resident of Sierra View Terraces senior apartments told me she has always had a pet. “When you live on the ranch you must have dogs,” she…
Announcement: Sierra View Homes Applying for CCRC Designation
I am happy to announce that Sierra View Homes Retirement Community has begun the process of applying to convert our multi-level retirement community to a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC). A steering committee, as directed by the Strategic Planning Committee and the Sierra View Homes Board of Directors, met with the Continuing Care Contracts Branch of Department of Social Services in Sacramento to discuss this conversion. Lillian Dueck of the Garden Apartments, Joe Halpen of the Terraces, and Bob Mason, Chairman of the Board, were part of this historic meeting. We have contracted with an attorney that specializes in this process and consultants to facilitate the effort that will likely…