An URGENT Letter from Sierra View’s CEO
Dear Sierra View Homes Family,
We are writing to inform you of a critical need for our residents. The double-digit inflation of food, medical supplies and equipment is driving up the cost of caring for residents, and many of our senior residents with fixed incomes are struggling to purchase basic necessities like food and medication while paying their rent.
Sierra View Homes is a not-for-profit ministry. Since our founding in 1960, our mission has always been to provide an affordable place for seniors to receive love and care. While we make sound financial decisions for our organization, all of our decisions are made with our God-honoring mission in mind.
Over the years we have intentionally chosen not to increase rents to market rates – this would have left many of our seniors homeless – and we have maintained an endowment fund to help cover the costs for residents who could not afford rent in our Independent Apartments and Assisted Living.
However, recent dramatic inflation is making even our moderate rent unmanageable for many more residents than usual. To make matters worse, our endowment fund is in a very conservative Everence account – it is not growing as quickly as it did before.
In the past year, we have had to dip into principle in order to accommodate the many seniors in need of assistance. This is an unsustainable path – if we can’t build the endowment back up, we won’t be able to help seniors in need in the future.
We are reaching out to you for help! Would you help us rebuild this fund so that we can provide financial assistance for future needy residents?
Today for #GivingTuesday, as you consider giving to charities, please consider Sierra View Homes as the recipient of your gift. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and your gift will be a direct investment in the well-being of your senior friends and neighbors.
Thank you for stepping up to help!
Roberta (Ro) Linscheid, CEO
P.S. For your convenience, you can now make your contribution online using debit, credit card, or PayPal.