The Sierra View Homes Auxiliary plays a vital part in the life of the SVH community!
Purpose: To carry on a program of assistance to the residents of Sierra View Homes through voluntary programs and fundraisers.
COVID-19 has affected our ability to fund-raise! Read Auxiliary President Irv Isaak’s update letter.
Services Provided
- Provide funds for projects to enhance the experiences of Sierra View residents.
- Provide volunteers for various services and programs for Sierra View residents.
Examples of projects funded or partially funded by the Auxiliary:
Smart TV for Staff Training Television for the Founder’s Room Treadmill for the Wellness Center Pool Table for The Terraces common area Van for resident transportation
- Automatic Door in Wellness Center
- Defibrillator
- Exercise equipment
- Computers for The Terraces
- Improved Sound System in the Kings Canyon Room & Founders Room
- Christmas Decorations
- Landscape Projects
Examples of what auxiliary members do:
- Serve on the Auxiliary Board
- Provide special hands-on interaction with residents (music, entertainment, worship)
- Work in the “Corner Store”
- Bake cakes for Skilled Nursing residents’ monthly birthday party
- Help with and attend the Annual Fund Raiser in June

Front row (left to right): Joyce Klippenstein, Sandra Reimer, Joann Kalafut, Stella Bohn
Back row: Denny Mason, Louise Aurenheimer, Joe Halpen, Irvin Isaak, Yvonne Turner, Kathy Hayes
How does the Auxiliary raise funds?
- Annual June Benefit Dinner
- Silent Auction
- Cook Book sales
- Individual donations
- Annual Membership Dues – $10.00